MOI Qatar ID Check Official Documents

MOI Qatar ID Check Status Online

You can check the status of MOI Qatar ID through the tracking service of Qatar ID provided by the Ministry of Interior – Qatar by following the link listed below:

Steps to check MOI Qatar ID status online

By following the simple steps, you can check the status of MOI Qatar ID:

  • Go to the Ministry of Interior – Qatar “from here“.
  • Click “MOI services“.
  • Select the “Inquiries“.

Steps To Check MOI Qatar ID Status Online

  • Click “Other Services“.
  • Select the “Official Documents“.
  • Choose the “Qatar ID Number“.

Steps To Check MOI Qatar ID Status Online

  • Write Qatar ID Number in the required field.
  • Write the verification code from the picture.
  • Click “Search

Steps to check MOI Qatar ID status by Metrash 2 app

By following the simple steps, you can check the status of MOI Qatar ID by Metrash 2 app:

  • Download the Metrash2 application via the following download links:
    • Metrash2 App From Google Play:from here“.
    • Metrash2 App From App Store:from here“.
  • Open the app on your mobile phone.
  • Select the language “English” from the language settings.
  • Log in by the smart card number.

Steps To Check MOI Qatar ID Status by Metrash 2 app

  • Select “Wallet”.

Steps To Check MOI Qatar ID Status by Metrash 2 app

  • Click “ID card“.

Steps to Check MOI Qatar ID by Passport Number

By following the simple steps, you can check the status of MOI Qatar ID by passport number:

  • Visit the Ministry of Interior – Qatar “from here“.
  • Click “MOI services“.

MOI Qatar ID Check by Passport Number Steps

  • Select “Inquiries“.

MOI Qatar ID Check by Passport Number Steps

  • Click “Other Services“.
  • Select the “Official Documents“.
  • Choose the “Passport Number“.
  • Select the nationality.

MOI Qatar ID Check by Passport Number Steps

  • Write passport number in the required field.
  • Write the verification code from the picture.
  • Click “Search”.

Steps to check MOI Qatar ID validity status

By following the simple steps, you can check the validity status of MOI Qatar ID:

  • Go to the Ministry of Interior – Qatar “from here“.
  • Click “MOI services“.
  • Select the “Inquiries“.
  • Click “Other Services“.
  • Select the “Official Documents“.
  • Choose the “Passport Number/ Qatar ID Number”.

Steps to check MOI Qatar ID validity status

  • Write the information in the required field.
  • Enter the verification code.
  • Click “Search”.

Qatar ID Validity

The validity of the ID card in Qatar is 10 years for Qatari citizens aged 16 and above, 5 years for citizens under 16 and citizens of Gulf countries, and the validity period for residents is the duration of their residence permit in the country. Also, renewing the ID card must be done within thirty days from the expiration date through the Qatari Ministry of Interior website by submitting the required documents and paying the specified fees.

Questions & Answers

How to check MOI Qatar ID status online?

How to check MOI Qatar ID status online?

You can check MOI Qatar ID status online via the Ministry of Interior - Qatar website, or Metrash 2 app.

What is the Qatar ID number?

What is the Qatar ID number?

The Qatar ID number is a unique 11-digit number on it, and this number contains all the data of the user.

How do I know if my Qatar ID is ready?

How do I know if my Qatar ID is ready?

You can Know it Through the service Inquiries on the Ministry of Interior - Qatar website, or Metrash 2 app.

What is the validity period of the Qatari ID?

What is the validity period of the Qatari ID?

The validity period of the Qatar ID for citizens is 10 years, while it is 5 years for citizens under 16 and for citizens of GCC

How to cancel Qatar ID

How to cancel Qatar ID

You can cancel it Through the residence services on the Ministry of Interior - Qatar website.

what is MOI Qatar ID?

what is MOI Qatar ID?

The MOI Qatar ID is a government card that citizens and residents must apply it at the age of 16.

What does the Qatar ID card include?

What does the Qatar ID card include?

This card includes (the unique personal number, the serial number, the owner's name, nationality, blood type, date of birth, nationality, and permanent residence), and for visitors, it includes (the sponsor's name, and the residence permit number).

Can I use the expired ID?

Can I use the expired ID?

You cannot use the expired ID card, and use of it will exposed you to a fine

How do I check the validity of the ID card in Qatar?

How do I check the validity of the ID card in Qatar?

You can check the validity of the ID card through the Ministry of Interior - Qatar website.

What are the fees of check MOI Qatar ID?

What are the fees of check MOI Qatar ID?

There are no fees for this service.